Michigan to Shut Down Group Home Where 13-Year-Old Boy Died

Hearing about a child who died at the hands of their own parents or caregivers is tragic. Few things could be more heartbreaking. But hearing about a child who was removed from their parents care, ostensibly for abuse, and placed into the care of the state where they were poorly treated and finally killed, is utterly horrific! 

A close up of the initials "R I P" on a grave.

When CPS takes a child away from their parents because they claim the parents are doing a poor job caring for that child, and then the child dies while in the care of the state, it’s a tragedy. In particular, because the agency claims their intervention would make that child’s death far more avoidable. And because when you take children from their homes and accuse their parents of abuse, it’s your job to offer a better alternative for that child, not a worse one!

Cornelius Frederick died as a ward of the state

Cornelius was only 13 when he was taken from his home by CPS and placed into the foster system. He struggled with behavioral problems, and was placed into a facility in eastern Michigan, and then later moved to Lakeside Academy in Kalamazoo. It was there that, in April of this year, he was forcibly and wrongfully restrained by a staff member. As a result, his heart later gave out and he died.

As a result of his death, the state conducted an investigation into the circumstances, and discovered that there may be more happening at Lakeside Academy than they realized. Since Cornelius’ death, the state has stripped the Academy of their license, and three people have been charged with Involuntary Manslaughter, and multiple Involuntary Child Abuse Charges. In addition, the Fredericks family is suing the Academy.

Group homes aren’t great places for children to grow up.

Children need families. However, when they can’t have their own families, they need other people who can step into those roles and provide them with the love and care and guidance they need to thrive in life. While group homes and juvenile facilities often try to create a home-like atmosphere for the children living there, it’s not the same. Kids who are institutionalized are deprived of parent relationships, and the security and stability that a real family should provide.

Unfortunately, when CPS removes a child from their parents’ care (which they so often do for ridiculous reasons) you would think they have a better alternative in mind. But that’s not always the case. There is a dire shortage of suitable foster homes in Michigan, and older kids often end up in institutionalized care, where they don’t get the love, advocacy, and support they so desperately need. A group home, despite the name, isn’t really a home.

Don’t lose your child to foster care or a group home!

If CPS has threatened to take your child away, or your family is under scrutiny by the agency and you believe you’re at risk of losing your children to the system, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. Our skilled CPS defense attorneys have spent decades working with families in the mid-Michigan area, advocating for parents and working to keep children together with their parents and caregivers, and out of group homes.

Don’t let CPS bully you, or break your family up. Call us today and discuss your situation with an experienced attorney who can inform you of your rights, and give you sound advice. We can help you fight for your Constitutional parenting rights, and ensure that your family has every opportunity to stay together. Don’t wait. Your family’s future depends on it.


