Category: Child Abuse

  • Mother and Boyfriend Charged in Battle Creek Abuse Case

    This is a horrifying story. We don’t have all of the details, so we aren’t certain yet which parts of it are fact and which parts are simply allegations. But we do know that a young boy was treated very badly, and will need a long time to recover physically from his ordeal. According to…

  • FGM Case Update: What’s Next For The Families Involved?

    If you read our blog with any regularity then you have probably heard about the female genital mutilation case that has caused such an uproar recently. Although in truth, you don’t have to follow our blog to have heard about it. There isn’t a newspaper or media source in Michigan that hasn’t covered the issue…

  • Police Chief Says 4-Year-Old’s Death Wasn’t An Accident

    4-year-old Ivy Yurkus was rushed to the hospital, where she lived for a few hours with severe stomach pains, before passing away. In the wake of her death, investigators have looked into her condition and her injuries, and determined that she was most likely the victim of child abuse. The Roseville Police Chief, James Berlin,…

  • Female Genital Mutilation To Be Outlawed in Michigan?

    The issue of female genital mutilation (FGM) has been raging through the media like wildfire over the last few weeks. Ever since three people in Michigan, two of whom are doctors, have been charged with performing this illegal procedure on minors here in the Mitten state, it has been the topic of choice for news…

  • Abuse or Tradition: Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision

    Last week we shared with you the story of a Michigan doctor who is accused of performing female genital mutilation (FGM) on a number of young girls in the name of tradition and religion. As is often the case when stories of a controversial nature become public, people on all sides step up to the…

  • Michigan Doctor Charged For Female Genital Mutilation Practices

    Female Genital Mutilation is something that the average American only hears about in news about other countries. In fact, it’s neither customary, nor legal to alter the genitalia of an underaged girl here in the US, and so it simply isn’t something that makes the local news very often. Yet, if Homeland Security and Child…

  • CPS Petitions in Michigan: What You Need To Know 2

    In the previous installment in this series on Michigan’s Central Registry, also known as the Abuse and Neglect Registry, we have been discussing the court process for parents who are accused of abuse or neglect. Previously we looked at the first steps in the process, where the Judge may choose to conduct a preliminary inquiry,…

  • CPS Petitions in Michigan: What You Need To Know 1

    Having just wrapped up a lengthy series on the Michigan Central Registry, which is a subject of ongoing debate with people who believe very strongly on both sides of the fence, the next logical stop would be CPS petitions. So moving forward we will be looking at what the court process entails for families involved in CPS…

  • Child abuse – what are the long term effects?

    Having just looked at the long term effects of foster care, we felt it was also necessary that we take a look at the long term effects of abuse on children. While we are very pro-parent in our approach to CPS defense, and we believe very strongly that it is a parent’s right to raise…

  • Child Abuse: A Comparison of Developing vs. Developed Nations

    In many, many ways, America is a wonderful place to live. Home to the world’s greatest melting pot of cultural and ethnic diversity, some of the best trauma care available on the planet, and a phenomenal inventive and creative sector.  We have a lot to be proud of.  But for all of that, a terrifying…