Category: CPS Investigation

  • Do You Need a Lawyer to Help You Fight CPS in Michigan? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion. As we mentioned in the previous article, choosing a good attorney is critical, but how do you know you’re getting a good attorney? All lawyers will tell you that they’re experts in their field, and that you’re making a big mistake if you don’t…

  • Do You Need a Lawyer to Help You Fight CPS in Michigan? (Pt 1)

    We’ve spent a lot of time discussing what families and parents should do when CPS shows up on their doorstep, or files a petition against you. (If you missed those articles, we recommend you take a moment to get caught up here.) But while we’ve provided lots of info on what to do and what…

  • CPS: Investigation Essentials For Michigan Families (Part 2)

    Welcome back, and thanks for joining us for this discussion on basic CPS investigation essentials for Michigan families. We’ve been looking at the basics involved when a CPS worker shows up on your doorstep. What do you do? What should you say? How do you respond? There are so many questions, and so few obvious…

  • CPS: Investigation Essentials For Michigan Families (Part 1)

    Whether your family has had several run-ins with CPS in the past, or you have no experience with the agency whatsoever, the prospect of a CPS worker on your doorstep is scary! What do they want, and are they being honest with you? Are you required to do what they tell you to, or do…

  • What You Should (And Shouldn’t) do if CPS is Investigating You! (Part 4)

    Hello again, and thanks for joining us for the fourth installment in our important list of what to do (and what not to do) when CPS is investigating you. As we’ve said before, CPS workers take their job very seriously, which is a good thing. Child abuse is a real concern! But what about when…

  • What You Should (And Shouldn’t) do if CPS is Investigating You! (Part 3)

    Thanks for joining us again for the third article in this four part series on what you should and shouldn’t do if CPS is investigating you! As we mentioned in the earlier installments in this series, being investigated by CPS DOES NOT make you guilty! Many innocent families get investigated by the agency. And while…

  • Take Action When CPS Comes Calling, Or Risk Losing Your Child!

    When we have a few minutes, we like to catch up on local news and find out what’s happening in Michigan and around the nation. One story, published just a few days ago, raised much discussion in the office, because it did a perfect job of illustrating a point we often make to our clients…

  • What To Do When CPS Shows Up At Your Door! (Part 1)

    Most people know that a visit from CPS is a bad thing. It means someone has reported you to the agency for one thing or another. And now they’re arriving at your home, ready to poke around in your home and judge your parenting skills. But unlike a nosy neighbor or a catty “frenemy”, their…

  • CPS Workers – Not Your “Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman”

    CPS workers do a very hard job. They are tasked with protecting children from abusive situations, which is highly stressful and often emotionally taxing. Like police officers, they see the worst case scenarios on a regular basis, and have little chance to see the good. And so, over time, they often get jaded. They begin…

  • The Truth About Interviewing Victims of Child Abuse (Part 3)

    In the previous segment we discussed some of the issues that plague forensic interviewers during interrogation sessions with children. These include the intimidating nature of police stations, cops in uniform when they are the interviewers, and the danger of openly recording the session. In this next piece we’ll be talking about confirmatory bias, which can…