Category: Help For Families
How The Welfare System Makes it Harder For Battered Mothers to Seek Help! (Pt 1)
The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform has a very interesting, and honestly very sad story, about a policy California enforces that sounds unpleasantly like something you’d find right here in Michigan. The story tracks a mother named Ingrid Archie who was subject to regular assault from her domestic partner. Archie did everything she could…
How Financial Aid Scams Could Hurt Foster Kids in The Future! (Pt 1)
If you read the news then you’re no stranger to the lengths parents will go to, to ensure that their kids get into the “right” college. There’s the Varsity Blues scandal from earlier this year, where wealthy folks ran scams on the admissions system at Ivy-league colleges to get their kids in. And then there…
Study Shows That Neighborhood Conditions And Spanking Both Affect CPS Involvement!
A study jointly conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, and published in the Child Abuse and Neglect Journal reveals some very interesting facts about how spanking and neighborhood conditions play a role in CPS involvement with families. Specifically, the more kids are spanked, and the less involved and supportive…
Detroit Family Suing CPS For Threatening Neglect Charges After Adopted Son Says He’ll Kill Them! (Pt 1)
Every foster and adoptive parent who takes on a child coming out of an abusive background, knows that there will be challenges. Kids coming out of abusive and neglectful homes have psychological and emotional damages they have to overcome before being able to settle into any kind of “normal” routine. But some damage is lasting,…
Do I Have To Release My Child’s Medical Records to CPS? (Part 2)
Welcome back. We’ve been looking at what’s involved in releasing your child’s medical records to CPS, and why it might not be a good idea. As we mentioned in the previous article, most parents don’t even know what’s in their children’s medical records, and there are often mistakes and incorrect information that could be used…
Do I Have To Release My Child’s Medical Records to CPS? (Part 1)
When a parent is suspected of child abuse or neglect by CPS, every aspect of their parenting comes under scrutiny by Child Protective Services. How they care for their children, what (and how often) their children are fed, and how they spend their free time will be reviewed. Even issues like how conflict is handled…
New Pilot Program Aims to Reunify Families Quickly in Kent County
WE have great news! Kent County has created an incentive program aimed at CPS, with the goal of making it more worthwhile to quickly reunify children with their parents. Yes, you read that right! The West Michigan Partnership for Children is providing the child welfare system in Kent County with financial incentives to ensure…
Detroiters Helping Each Other – Working To Negate CPS in Detroit
Although the business districts in Detroit have seen a great deal of growth and resurgence in recent years, very little of that new wealth has trickled down to the poorest neighborhoods. However, while this means thousands of people are living in stark poverty, a new underground economy has sprung up to meet these needs, and…
Spanking: Points to Consider When Disciplining a Child in Michigan
Spanking is a topic that we have discussed on numerous occasions in the past. Why? Because it is a controversial subject that many people don’t agree on. Add to that the fact that the law isn’t as cut and dried as we may like, and the whole topic can get pretty complicated. So in that…
Substance Abuse During Pregnancy – What Helps? Part 2
In part one of this series we introduced the subject of Michigan’s alarming rise in babies born with drug addictions, and looked at what symptoms those newborns face while they endure withdrawal after birth. Moving on, we are going to look at what doctors are doing to address the issue, and why CPS intervention isn’t…