Tag: Michigan CPS Defense
CPS: A Long History of Separating Children From Their Parents
There has been a great deal of media coverage and social media dialogue over the last six months or so about the families being separated at the border. The stories of children being taken from their parents without just cause have been rampant, and heartbreaking pictures of children held in chain-link pens with nothing more…
How CPS Plans to Fix Everything That’s Wrong at The Agency
If you follow our blog (or read the news) then you know that CPS is in trouble. A recent audit revealed that mismanagement, errors and poor case outcomes are not occasional issues, but daily norms at CPS. Hundreds of investigations not handled. Thousands of children left in seriously abusive situations, or pulled from loving families…
Understanding the Various Types of Caseworkers in Neglect/Abuse Cases
In some of our family law cases, our clients are also dealing with some sort of caseworker in a related neglect/abuse case. However, we might not know exactly with which type of caseworker our client is dealing with. Knowing the answer to that—and then understanding the differences between the various types of caseworkers—will help us…
How Can I Make Sure My Kids Live With Family After CPS Takes Them Away? (Pt. 1)
If you know anything about CPS in Michigan, then you know that sometimes, when kids get taken away from their parents, they get put into foster care. However, in a number of cases, the foster homes those kids are placed into aren’t the homes of strangers, but rather the homes of a grandmother, or an…
If it Takes a Village – Why Does CPS Expect The Poor to do it Alone?
Raising kids is not for the faint of heart. It requires an enormous amount of energy, patience, compassion, humility and stickability. And even if you have all that in spades (which most people don’t) you’ll still need help. Someone to watch the kids when you go to work. Someone to help out when you’re sick…
What Happens When CPS Petitions The Court to Take Your Kids? (Pt 3)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the next installment of this discussion about what happens when CPS tries to take your kids away. As we’ve explained so far in parts 1 and 2 of this series, after CPS files the petition with the family court, there will be a hearing to determine if…
What Happens When CPS Petitions The Court to Take Your Kids? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’ve been talking about what happens when CPS opens an investigation into your family, and decides that your children are at risk. As we mentioned in the previous article, once CPS opens an investigation into your family, if they decide your children are at risk they’ll file…
Do You Need a Lawyer to Help You Fight CPS in Michigan? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion. As we mentioned in the previous article, choosing a good attorney is critical, but how do you know you’re getting a good attorney? All lawyers will tell you that they’re experts in their field, and that you’re making a big mistake if you don’t…
CPS Investigator Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Minor
People whose jobs require that they hold others accountable for their actions, are rarely cut any slack when they themselves violate the law. Police officers who assault others, judges who abuse drugs and prosecutors who hire prostitutes are all viewed as being worse than the average violator when they screw up. So it comes as…
Michigan’s Child Welfare System is STILL in Need of Major Overhaul!
Ten years ago Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services settled a federal lawsuit, and promised to overhaul their system. More staff, more effective trainings, greater resources. It was going to be better. The system put in place to protect Michigan’s kids was going to improve. And here we are, a decade later, and the…