Tag: Michigan CPS Defense

  • Michigan Appeals Court Overturns Child Abuse Conviction

    When 11-month-old Trinity Murphy found a 60 mg morphine pill that was intended for her now-deceased grandmother, she did what every other normal baby would – she put it in her mouth and ate it. Tragically, her little body could not process opioids in that quantity, and she died of an overdose. Heartbroken as her…

  • CPS Petitions to Remove Baby From Dad High on Meth

    In a strange and rather heartbreaking case, CPS has petitioned to remove a baby from the care of her father, who the agency says is unfit and unable to care for her. The case has made national headlines, and has resulted in criminal charges for both the baby’s parents. The story starts on September 25th…

  • Court Appointed Attorneys in Michigan CPS Cases (Part 1)

    You’ve heard it a thousand times before on TV shows and in movies when cops Mirandize a suspect… “If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” But what isn’t included in that overview of a defendant’s right to counsel, is the truth about many court appointed attorneys. Like it or not,…

  • Allegations of Abuse – What happens next? (Part 2)

    Welcome back! In our previous article we started talking about what a person could expect after someone has made allegations of child abuse against them. We started with the very first step – the investigation, and got all the way up to the part where the state takes temporary jurisdiction of their child or children.…

  • Allegations of Abuse – What happens next? (Part 1)

    Someone has accused you, or someone you love, of abusing a child. You are absolutely stunned. Horrified. Heart-broken. You have no idea what to do, or what happen next. We can help you with both of those concerns. As to what you should do next, the answer is call us immediately at 866 766 5245…

  • The Carrot or The Stick: Punishing Parents With Foster Care

    A recent article in the New York Times addressed the issue of how foster care is being used to punish parents for being poor and having few resources. The story tracks the experience of Maisha Joefield, a Brooklyn mother whose 5-year-old daughter was removed by CPS after the little girl had got out of bed…

  • Common Causes of Wrongful Convictions in Abuse Cases Pt.2

    Welcome back. We’ve been talking about the subject of wrongful convictions and how they sometimes result from false allegations of abuse. As such, we have been looking at the six most common causes of wrongful convictions, according to the University of Michigan Innocence Clinic. We know that not all of these instances relate to child…

  • Common Causes of Wrongful Convictions in Abuse Cases Pt.1

    We’ve discussed the issue of false allegations of abuse on a number of occasions. Those articles have sparked considerable debate, and one of the issues that was brought up time and again is the issue of wrongful convictions. After all, false allegations sometimes lead to wrongful convictions, which is a heartbreaking tragedy, especially for parents.…

  • Mother and Boyfriend Charged in Battle Creek Abuse Case

    This is a horrifying story. We don’t have all of the details, so we aren’t certain yet which parts of it are fact and which parts are simply allegations. But we do know that a young boy was treated very badly, and will need a long time to recover physically from his ordeal. According to…

  • Lawmakers To Investigate Alleged CPS Document Forgeries

    A few weeks ago we shared some information with you about how certain CPS workers are claiming that their bosses falsify documents in order to appear to be in compliance with state regulations. It’s a disturbing and very sad possibility, but Michigan lawmakers are vowing to get to the bottom of this. The Lansing State…