Tag: Michigan CPS Defense

  • Victory for the Family Defense Center in Three Civil Rights Cases

    The Family Defense Center is a non-profit organization that focuses on advocating for justice for families whose children have been removed by overzealous child welfare systems. According to their website, a great many parents around the U.S. “lose custody of their children to state foster care systems primarily because they are poor or because they…

  • Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare – Helping Hand, or Racial Bias? 2

    Having looked at the concern that several people have expressed regarding the way in which predictive analytics may be violating civil rights when used improperly in the criminal justice system, we’re now moving on to talk about how predictive analytics would affect the fairness of child welfare. In July of 2015, the County of Los…

  • Predictive Analytics in Child Welfare – Helping Hand, or Racial Bias? 1

    In 2014, then-Attorney General to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, Eric Holder, expressed open concern about the use of predictive analytics in the criminal justice system. For those of you who haven’t encountered this term before, predictive analytics refers to an advanced form of analytics, which is used to make predictions about unknown future events. Predictive…

  • Child Welfare in Michigan – Why It’s Not Working

    Michigan has a long history of poor reviews of our child welfare system. Every year, the rising numbers of children unnecessarily removed from their homes, and suffering in poverty is record-breaking. But the one fact that gets brought up again and again is the issue of child removal.   Children in Michigan are regularly removed…

  • CPS Takes Baby Found in Home With Dead Women

    Genesee County Children’s Protective Services (Michigan CPS workers) were called to the scene of a suspected double murder recently, where investigating police officers found two dead women and one unharmed baby.   The incident took place in Flint at about 9:30 in the evening on Tuesday, April 19th. Responding officers arrived at the Ridgecrest Village…

  • CPS in Allegan County Accused of Screwing Up Again

    “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” is an old Latin quote that means, “who watches the watchers?”, or more simply, “who guards the guards?”  And when it comes to Michigan’s Child Protective Agency, this couldn’t be a more poignant question. But the answer in this case is the Office of Children’s Ombudsman.   The Office of Children’s…

  • Do Water Shut Offs Mean CPS Can Take Your Children Away?

    The city of Flint has a long history of bad press, and the recent problems with the water rates have done little to help that problem. But aside from the city’s troubles following the recent court ruling requiring that they cut water prices and stop disconnecting people’s supply lines when bills go unpaid, the city…

  • Novi Family Reunited After CPS Drops Investigation

    If you were to ask the Geers what hell on earth looked like, they would describe for you their own lives. But all of that has changed, now that CPS had finally dropped the child abuse investigation that tore their family apart and resulted in their five children being removed from their home.   The…

  • CPS Removes 5 Kids From Novi Family, But Was It a Mistake?

    The day after CPS removed five children from a Novi family’s home, their friends, family and church congregation crowded the courtroom to speak out against this injustice. Packed so tightly, they filled the courtroom and spilled out into the halls, people from all walks of life who stood united for one purpose – to demand…

  • Michigan’s “Child Abuser” List – Just a Click Away…

    For Michigan parents, one of the most frightening things about CPS is their seemingly unlimited and unquestioned power. No other government agency in this state has the authority to label you as a criminal and add your name to a statewide Registry without ever having to produce a shred of evidence against you. It’s a…