Tag: Parental Rights

  • Texas Judge Orders Sanctions Against CPS For Wrongful Removal (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been discussing a case that’s made headlines all over the US in the last few days. It took place in Texas, but is symptomatic of what’s happening all over the country, and particularly here in Michigan – where CPS is tearing families apart with no regard for…

  • Will I Lose my Kids if I Drive With Them After a Few Drinks?

    Picture this: You’re at a friend’s wedding with your family. Everyone’s having a great time, dressed to the nines and dancing. The food is delicious, the booze is flowing and everyone’s celebrating. All in all, the evening was wonderful, and when it’s time to head home you’re tired but happy. You load the kids into…

  • CPS: Investigation Essentials For Michigan Families (Part 1)

    Whether your family has had several run-ins with CPS in the past, or you have no experience with the agency whatsoever, the prospect of a CPS worker on your doorstep is scary! What do they want, and are they being honest with you? Are you required to do what they tell you to, or do…

  • Is Free Range Parenting The Answer For Michigan as Well?

    In the wake of Utah’s decision to institute a policy protecting free range parents from prosecution, parents around the country are speaking up in favor of free range parenting in their own home states. And Michigan is joining in the fight. In an article entitled Why I’m proud to be not hands on, a free…

  • Unhappy in a Good Foster Home? Why Would That be?

    Imagine yourself with the people you love. They’re flawed, certainly, and they sometimes do dumb things. But they’re family and you love them. You would do anything for them, and they’re the people you turn to when life gets crazy or overwhelming, or you just need a shoulder to cry on. Now imagine that all…

  • What You Should (And Shouldn’t) do if CPS is Investigating You! (Part 5)

    Thanks for sticking with us for this five part series – we know it’s a lot of information, but for families facing a CPS investigation, it can be invaluable! So if you’ve been with us from the beginning, let’s dive in for the last installment on this subject. If you’ve only just stumbled on these…

  • Do I Have To Release My Child’s Medical Records to CPS? (Part 2)

    Welcome back. We’ve been looking at what’s involved in releasing your child’s medical records to CPS, and why it might not be a good idea. As we mentioned in the previous article, most parents don’t even know what’s in their children’s medical records, and there are often mistakes and incorrect information that could be used…

  • Do I Have To Release My Child’s Medical Records to CPS? (Part 1)

    When a parent is suspected of child abuse or neglect by CPS, every aspect of their parenting comes under scrutiny by Child Protective Services. How they care for their children, what (and how often) their children are fed, and how they spend their free time will be reviewed. Even issues like how conflict is handled…

  • Leaving Your Children Alone at Home Can Spell Disaster!

    We’ve shared with you before about the fact that CPS and the state take a very grim view of parents who leave their children unattended, even for short periods of time. Despite that, there are no clear laws specifying at what age a child can be left unattended, and parent are expected to decide based…

  • Michigan Mom Fighting For Her Kids After Unfair Treatment From CPS!

    We’ve discussed this issue many times before on this blog – the tragedy of parents being subjected to domestic violence, and then losing their children on top of it! It’s beyond heartbreaking, and it’s happening right now, all over the country. Sadly, Michigan is no exception. We’d like to share an ongoing story with you,…