Tag: Parental Rights
What To Do When CPS Shows Up At Your Door! (Part 3)
Welcome back to this series on how to handle a CPS worker that shows up unannounced at you door, demanding to come in. In the previous two articles we talked about the importance of being polite in all your interactions with CPS, and why CPS would need a warrant to enter your home. Moving on,…
What To Do When CPS Shows Up At Your Door! (Part 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. In the previous article we discussed how to handle a phone call from CPS, and what to do at first when a CPS worker shows up on your doorstep. Picking up where we left off, CPS is still waiting at your front door, with a police officer…
CPS Seeks to Terminate Parental Rights of Couple Accused of Murder
This story has made national headlines – the tragic tale of 4-year-old Gabrielle Barrette whose recent death sparked a nationwide manhunt. Her mother, 24-year-old Candice Renea Diaz, and her mother’s boyfriend, 28-year old Brad Edward Fields, have since been charged with child abuse and murder in the wake of Gabby’s untimely death. Since then, CPS…
Michigan FGM Case Prompts Federal Legislation
While it’s easy to see how federal legislation affects each of the 50 states, it can sometimes be harder to note the effects that individual state issues have on federal legislation. However, in the wake of Michigan’s ongoing female genital mutilation case, which is the first the nation has ever seen, the effects on the…
3-Year-Old Left in Car During Black Friday Shopping Spree
Black Friday. That one chaotic day when everyone seems to put their scruples and logic on the back burner in order to score the best deals. The day when otherwise rational human beings get into bloody fist fights over TVs, toys and shoes. Sometimes called the most dangerous shopping day of the year, Black Friday…
New Pilot Program Aims to Reunify Families Quickly in Kent County
WE have great news! Kent County has created an incentive program aimed at CPS, with the goal of making it more worthwhile to quickly reunify children with their parents. Yes, you read that right! The West Michigan Partnership for Children is providing the child welfare system in Kent County with financial incentives to ensure…
Can Your Music Tastes Affect How CPS Sees You?
What does the term “juggalo” mean to you? Perhaps nothing, and you’re about to Google it to figure out what we’re talking about. Don’t bother – we’ll get to that in a moment. But first, for those of you who do know what a juggalo is (or think you know what it is) stop and…
Drug Abuse, Parenting and CPS: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1)
Ask a group of 10 CPS agents about what they would do if a newborn baby was found with drugs in it’s system, and you would likely get 10 different answers. Why? Because the law isn’t actually very clear about what should happen in these cases. Some CPS workers would admit that a parent with…
Is It Constitutional For CPS Caseworkers To Lie In Court? (Part 2)
Thanks for joining us again as we discuss the incredible case of Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick and the years-long battle she has waged against over-reaching CPS agents. Although this case isn’t happening in Michigan, it is a clear example of what can happen when an agency with such power runs unchecked. The damage done to families and…
Is It Constitutional For CPS Caseworkers To Lie In Court? (Part 1)
One of the issues we have raised on a number of occasions here in our articles, is the unbridled freedom that CPS workers have, coupled with a startling lack of oversight when dealing with parents and families. Which is why we would like to share this particular case with you, that deals with whether or…