Tag: Parental Rights

  • Police Body Cameras: How Do They Affect Falsely Accused Parents? 3

    Thanks for joining us for our very last article in this three part series, where we’ve been looking at the issue of body cameras on police officers, and the effect this could have on falsely accused parents. If you’re only joining us now, we recommend that you spend a moment catching up. If, however, you’ve…

  • Inkster Father’s Life “Ruined” By CSC and Murder Charges

    22-year-old James Lee Saltmarshall was a young father whose life, while it had normal ups and downs, was pretty average. Until April 20th, when he woke up beside his 8-month-old daughter in a motel in Inkster and discovered she wasn’t breathing. Suddenly everything changed. And that was only the beginning. He performed CPS on Janiyah…

  • Emotional / Psychological Neglect in Michigan: Your Questions Answered

    The word ‘neglect’ tends to conjure up images of malnourished children with uncombed hair and ill-fitting clothes, running around unsupervised in the street. It’s an image that certainly tugs at the heartstrings of any loving parent. However, while this type of neglect, which is categorized as physical neglect, is very prevalent, it isn’t the only…

  • So You Want To Be a Foster Parent in Michigan?

    There are currently over 14,000 children in the foster system in Michigan. When you stop to consider that number, you’ll realize that it’s larger than the population of some Michigan townships and municipalities. Thousands of children in need of loving families, and safe and stable homes to live in until their own parents can work…

  • Larry Nassar May Lose Parental Rights To His Children

    Larry Nassar’s story is the classic tale of a fast and furious fall from grace. At one point in the not too distant past, he was a nationally renowned MSU sports doctor, and team physician for the U.S. gymnastics team, serving through four Olympic games. Now, less than a year later, he is imprisoned, facing…

  • Termination Of Parental Rights in Michigan: Voluntary vs. Involuntary

    Termination of parental rights means the complete and total severance of the parent-child relationship. It is absolute and permanent. A parent loses not just the right to care for and raise their child, but the right to maintain a relationship or have any contact with their child, without prior permission. Essentially, in the eyes of…

  • Police Chief Says 4-Year-Old’s Death Wasn’t An Accident

    4-year-old Ivy Yurkus was rushed to the hospital, where she lived for a few hours with severe stomach pains, before passing away. In the wake of her death, investigators have looked into her condition and her injuries, and determined that she was most likely the victim of child abuse. The Roseville Police Chief, James Berlin,…

  • Female Genital Mutilation To Be Outlawed in Michigan?

    The issue of female genital mutilation (FGM) has been raging through the media like wildfire over the last few weeks. Ever since three people in Michigan, two of whom are doctors, have been charged with performing this illegal procedure on minors here in the Mitten state, it has been the topic of choice for news…

  • Two New Arrests in Michigan Genital Mutilation Case

    It’s only been a couple of weeks since we shared with you a story about a Michigan-based doctor who is facing federal criminal charges for allegedly performing genital mutilation on underage girls. However, since then new charges have been brought against another Michigan doctor and his wife who are accused of engaging in this same…

  • Abuse or Tradition: Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision

    Last week we shared with you the story of a Michigan doctor who is accused of performing female genital mutilation (FGM) on a number of young girls in the name of tradition and religion. As is often the case when stories of a controversial nature become public, people on all sides step up to the…