Tag: Parental Rights
Domestic Violence and CPS: Points to Consider
Domestic Violence, sometimes called domestic assault, can result in criminal charges and a host of other unwanted consequences for the people involved. From court costs, fines, time spent in jail, attorney’s fees and the possibility of a criminal conviction, domestic violence charges are no joke. But what many people don’t realize is that domestic violence…
Detroit Mother Charged For Newborn Infant’s Death
We have very little information about this particular case, in part because the events are so recent and still under investigation, but we do know that a Detroit mother is facing very serious charges. She is accused of causing the death of her newborn baby. How this will impact her other children, and the extent…
Maternal Death Reporting Is Now Mandatory in Michigan?
For so long we have been focused on saving the lives of babies, that it seems we’ve allowed their most important life source to slip out of our fingers – their mothers. Maternal death rates are rising in Michigan, which is both sad and surprising, given that they are decreasing on a global scale. So…
Mom Facing Charges After Children Were Left Alone at Home
Sara Maria King, a 25-year-old resident of Detroit, has been charged with leaving her two young daughters alone and unsupervised at home. The two girls, aged 6 years and 8 months, were discovered by a neighbor, standing on the home’s front porch on Tyler Street at about 2:30 in the afternoon, shouting for help. According…
Child abuse – what are the long term effects?
Having just looked at the long term effects of foster care, we felt it was also necessary that we take a look at the long term effects of abuse on children. While we are very pro-parent in our approach to CPS defense, and we believe very strongly that it is a parent’s right to raise…
Foster Care: What Do The Long-Term Effects Reveal For Children?
When children are removed from their families by CPS, very few people stop to think about what happens to them after removal. They are presumed to be safe and happy with relatives or family friends. Hardly anyone not directly involved in the child welfare system gives the process much more thought. But while some children…
Target 8 Investigation Prompts Mixed Reactions About CPS Involvement 2
In the first installment of this two part series, we discussed the investigation that Target 8 had conducted into how much oversight CPS provides for families after a baby is born with drugs in it’s system. According to the Office of Children’s Ombudsman, the answer is not enough. But according to CPS, a parent with…
Parents Located For Oakland County’s Wandering Toddler
A miscommunication between parents and a babysitter resulted in a little boy left unattended, roaming the streets, to be later found by police. The issue was eventually resolved and no one was harmed, but instead of a joyous reunion between the parents and their missing son, CPS has taken the boy away from his parents…
No Charges After 4-Year-Old is Mauled to Death by Dog
On October 23rd, tragedy struck at a home on W. Fish Lake Road in Sherman Township. A little girl was offering her newly adopted dog a treat. Suddenly the animal attacked her, completely unprovoked, and mauled her to death. Leaving her heartbroken family to wonder why, and the prosecutor’s office to determine if anyone was…
CPS Removed Children After Toddler Severely Burned
22-year-old Kenneth James Jerone McCloud of Muskegon Heights has been accused of scalding his young son so badly that prosecutors are claiming that the child may be disfigured for life. As a result of the allegations, Child Protective Services has removed both the young boy and another child from the home and placed them in…