Tag: Parental Rights

  • Spanking: Points to Consider When Disciplining a Child in Michigan

    Spanking is a topic that we have discussed on numerous occasions in the past. Why? Because it is a controversial subject that many people don’t agree on. Add to that the fact that the law isn’t as cut and dried as we may like, and the whole topic can get pretty complicated. So in that…

  • What Does Michigan Law Say About Spanking? Part 2

    In the introductory article in this two part series, we discussed the fact that spanking is not illegal in Michigan. We also looked at how corporal punishment differs from child abuse in the legal definition, and talked about some cases of Michigan parents who were charged, but not convicted, of child abuse after spanking their children.…

  • Woman Arrested in Florida After Kidnapping Her Two Daughters

    It seems strange to think that a person could be charged with kidnapping when the children they are accused of taking were their own. After all, how could it be kidnapping when you took your own kids? Aren’t they your kids, that you can go anywhere with? The answer is no, because when the court…

  • Pilot Program To Keep Michigan Families Together Is Working

    If there is one thing we are adamant about, it is the fact that parents should be entitled to raise their children as they see fit, not as the government decides they should. This sentiment has been echoed by parents all over the nation, especially those who have battled CPS to maintain their parental rights.…

  • The Story of Ryker James-LaRoy McEvers

    On a Facebook page entitled fight.cps.false.allegations, Jennafer McEvers shares her and her daughter’s heartbreaking story of their battle with CPS, and their fight to keep Jennafer’s tiny preemie grandson, Ryker James-LaRoy McEvers.   Ryker was born 14 weeks early via cesarean section to Danielle McEvers. At birth, he weighed a single pound. But before being…

  • Missing Child Report Results in CPS Investigation

    In Canton, Michigan, a missing child report from a frantic parent has resulted in Child Protective Services opening an investigation into the family. Police reports say the incident that started the ball rolling took place in a Home Depot store, where a father who was shopping suddenly realized that he could not locate his son.…

  • 3-Year-Old Shoots Himself With Dad’s Gun

    A recent gun-related accident involving a 3-year-old boy and his father’s loaded pistol has resulted in a hospitalized child, a CPS investigation, and a father who may face criminal charges in the near future.   The incident took place in Gladwin County, Michigan in a Grout Township home. According to reports from the Gladwin County…

  • Michigan Mother Jailed For Not Protecting Child From Abusive Boyfriend

    Jordan Henry, a mother accused of not stepping in to save her child from her abusive boyfriend, was sentenced to jail in the Monroe County Circuit Court recently. The 27-year-old Wyandotte woman appeared before Judge Michael A. Weipert, who scolded her for her role in her toddler’s death.   “Why do you vouch for someone…

  • CPS – The Current Plight of Michigan’s Families

    A recent investigative journalism piece published by the Lansing State Journal did an admirable job of shedding light on the struggle that many families face when CPS becomes involved in their lives. The reasons for this are many and varied. Some of the most common ones are also the most confusing, and sometimes the most…

  • CPS Takes “Micro-Baby”, Cites Mom’s Apnea As Reason

    Ryker James LaRoy McEvers was born 14 weeks early, weighing only 1 pound, and is something of a miracle. He has survived stays in two different hospitals over a four month span where he underwent a number of different surgical procedures, including heart surgery, and was finally released on February 6th to go home with…