• What Happens to my Kids When CPS Takes Them Away?

    There are many instances when CPS gets involved with a family that doesn’t want or need their help. Situations when a family needs resources or assistance, not government oversight and parenting classes. But there’s a big difference between CPs inserting themselves into your family’s private life, and CPS breaking up your family. When children get…

  • Domestic Violence Victims Need to Know Their Rights When CPS Shows up!

    For victims of domestic violence, daily life can be full of fear, uncertainty and pain. They never know when the next attack will come. They walk on eggshells, afraid of being assaulted, afraid to leave, and afraid of what the future holds. But more than anything, they fear for their children. They try to keep…

  • CPS Defense Attorneys Need to be Willing to Fight!

    Obviously, every attorney representing a client and hoping for the best possible outcome in that case needs to fight. It’s what attorneys do. But when it comes to CPS, it’s a different battle ground, and there are different rules. And unfortunately, given the rather depressing history that CPS has with the court – where for…

  • CPS Defense Attorneys Are Here to Help. They’re More Than Just Lawyers

    People’s association with those who are involved, in one capacity or another, with the child welfare system tends to be very single faceted. Roles tend to be either ‘the good guy’ or ‘the bad guy’. Not sure what we mean? Think about it.  CPS workers are the bad guys because they take away your kids.…

  • Why You Should ALWAYS Challenge a Report of ‘Suspected’ Abuse From CPS.

    Here in Michigan, when a mandated reporter, or even just a concerned citizen suspects that a child might be the victim of abuse or neglect, they call CPS and make a report. At that point, a CPS worker reaches out to the family, either by phone or in person (depending on the severity of the…

  • Is Every Foster Care Removal Really an Emergency?

    You’ve read the news. So you’ve heard all the horror stories about children being beaten and burned and sexually assaulted by their caregivers, or worse – their own parents. But just like in every aspect of life, the worst case scenarios always make the news. Because tragedy, and emergency situations, makes great headlines. And misery…

  • Michigan’s New Adoption & Foster Care Task Force

    Michigan’s broken child welfare system has long been a topic of hot debate. What’s wrong with it, who is to blame, and how to fix it are regular subjects of media scrutiny. But it seems the state itself has decided to take on this mammoth issue, and see if they can figure out some of…

  • Does The Child Abuse Registry Need to be Reformed?

    As part of their pre-election platform, the Biden administration promised that their sweeping reforms would be carefully crafted to address current racial and social justice issues. With that in mind, several family advocates are calling for US Child Welfare policies to be reformed. Specifically, the Child Abuse Registry. (Here in Michigan we call our state…

  • Should Abused Children be Held Responsible For Their Actions When They Harm Others? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this two part series on whether or not a victim of abuse should be held accountable for the abuse they inflict on others. If you read the previous article, you know that in most cases, children who are abused do not go on to become violent. In…

  • Should Abused Children be Held Responsible For Their Actions When They Harm Others? (Pt 1)

    Anyone who has ever parented a child knows that it can be stressful. Kids, especially when they struggle with behavioral and emotional issues, or with mental health conditions, can test the limits of your patience in ways that nothing else on earth does. After all, they’re kids. Which means they haven’t yet learned to curb…