Tag: Michigan CPS Defense
Protecting Parental Rights: The Case for Family Miranda Laws in Michigan
As a dedicated Michigan CPS defense law firm, we strongly advocate for the adoption of “Family Miranda” type laws in Michigan, similar to the recent reforms in Texas. The new Texas child protection law mandates that caseworkers provide a “Notification of Rights” form to each parent or legal guardian under investigation in a child welfare…
Understanding the Role of the Office of the Child Advocate in Michigan
Navigating the complexities of Michigan’s child welfare system can be daunting for families. The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) plays a crucial role in ensuring children’s rights and well-being are upheld. This independent state agency is tasked to investigate complaints and make recommendations to improve Michigan’s child welfare (CPS) system. Investigating Complaints A complaint…
Defending Against CPS Allegations of Shaken Baby Syndrome: Insights from the Michigan Supreme Court – People v. Lemons
Children’s Protective Services (CPS) cases can be extremely stressful and have life altering consequences for parents. When allegations of child abuse, such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), arise, the stakes are even higher. The Michigan Supreme Court case, People v. Lemons, provides valuable insights into defending against CPS allegations and accusations. This blog explores key…
Empowering Michigan Families: The Need for Enhanced Education in Caregiver Rights Legislation
Here in Michigan, the well-being of children and the rights of parents and guardians are of utmost importance to all of us. As with other states, Michigan has legislation to address child abuse and neglect, influenced by federal funding mandates. This legislation must balance the state’s interest in child safety with Constitutionally mandated respect for…
Strengthening Tribal Families Act: Safeguarding Native Children and Cultures
The Strengthening Tribal Families Act of 2023 is a significant legislative step toward protecting Native American children and preserving their cultural heritage. Introduced in the 118th Congress, this bill aims to enhance compliance of Children’s Protective Services with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA), which establishes federal standards for the removal and placement of Indian children…
Michigan Leads the Way in Kinship Care: A Breakthrough for Our Families and Child Protection
In a groundbreaking move, Michigan has become the first state to implement a new rule transforming kinship care practices. This rule permits states to develop an alternative path for approving kinship caregivers while receiving federal money to support these placements. Let’s delve into the details of this significant development. The Kinship Care Revolution Prominent child welfare researcher Mark Testa aptly described it as…
What Happens to My Child While I’m in Prison?
Parents who are or may be incarcerated both share a concern about what happens to their child while they are in jail and how their arrest may affect their parental rights. The main concern may be whether the parent’s new criminal record may influence CPS’s ability to take their children. The short answer is no.…
Happy Holidays From The Kronzek Firm!
It’s that time of year again – the season of gift giving, magical lights, and time spent with loved ones. Here at The Kronzek Firm we’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday, and a wonderful new year! We also understand that not everyone’s holidays are always merry and bright. With increased reports…
What Gives CPS Workers The Right to Take Kids Away From Their Parents?
Have you ever asked yourself, or someone else, this question? Have you ever wondered how, or why, CPS has the right to just step in and literally tear families apart with no regard for the long term consequences, or the possible effects on those people’s lives? How can they take those kids away from the…
CPS May Have a Good Reason For Not Wanting You to Smoke Weed While You’re Pregnant! (Pt 1)
CPS has always taken a dim view of moms doing drugs during pregnancy. In fact, babies who test positive for marijuana, heroin, cocaine or any other illicit substance in Michigan at birth are very often taken from their mothers and placed in foster care. With the recent legalization of recreational weed in Michigan, a lot…