Tag: Michigan CPS Defense
The Carrot or The Stick: Punishing Parents With Foster Care
A recent article in the New York Times addressed the issue of how foster care is being used to punish parents for being poor and having few resources. The story tracks the experience of Maisha Joefield, a Brooklyn mother whose 5-year-old daughter was removed by CPS after the little girl had got out of bed…
Common Causes of Wrongful Convictions in Abuse Cases Pt.2
Welcome back. We’ve been talking about the subject of wrongful convictions and how they sometimes result from false allegations of abuse. As such, we have been looking at the six most common causes of wrongful convictions, according to the University of Michigan Innocence Clinic. We know that not all of these instances relate to child…
Common Causes of Wrongful Convictions in Abuse Cases Pt.1
We’ve discussed the issue of false allegations of abuse on a number of occasions. Those articles have sparked considerable debate, and one of the issues that was brought up time and again is the issue of wrongful convictions. After all, false allegations sometimes lead to wrongful convictions, which is a heartbreaking tragedy, especially for parents.…
Mother and Boyfriend Charged in Battle Creek Abuse Case
This is a horrifying story. We don’t have all of the details, so we aren’t certain yet which parts of it are fact and which parts are simply allegations. But we do know that a young boy was treated very badly, and will need a long time to recover physically from his ordeal. According to…
Lawmakers To Investigate Alleged CPS Document Forgeries
A few weeks ago we shared some information with you about how certain CPS workers are claiming that their bosses falsify documents in order to appear to be in compliance with state regulations. It’s a disturbing and very sad possibility, but Michigan lawmakers are vowing to get to the bottom of this. The Lansing State…
Hope Not Handcuffs: Help for Addicted Parents Before CPS Gets Involved
In late January of this year, a new program was launched in Macomb County that hopes to make a difference to those who are struggling with opiate addiction. Hope not Handcuffs allows a person battling addiction to walk into a police station and ask for help without fear of reprisal. In other words, you can…
Missing and Endangered Michigan Teen Found in Iowa
If you have access to social media, then chances are you saw the recent posts about a missing and endangered Michigan teenager who was being searched for by the Michigan State Police. Law enforcement has located her in Iowa, although the story that led to her disappearance and rediscovery is an interesting one. MSP issued…
Drowned Baby in Kalamazoo Results in CPS Investigation
24-year-old Jennifer Ruth Spicer, a Kalamazoo mother, is accused of being negligent with her infant during bath time, which resulted in the child’s death. Spicer is being charged with both child abuse and manslaughter. According to police reports, officers were dispatched to Spicer’s home on Phelps avenue in Kalamazoo in response to a 911 call…
CPS Relative Placement – What Are The Facts?
Relative Placement refers to when Child Protective Services removes a child or children from their parent’s care, and places them into the care of relatives. Michigan law requires that the courts and CPS give serious consideration to any and all viable relative placement options. This is because relative placement is almost always preferred to traditional…
Detroiters Helping Each Other – Working To Negate CPS in Detroit
Although the business districts in Detroit have seen a great deal of growth and resurgence in recent years, very little of that new wealth has trickled down to the poorest neighborhoods. However, while this means thousands of people are living in stark poverty, a new underground economy has sprung up to meet these needs, and…