Tag: Michigan CPS Defense
Father Who Kidnapped Daughter Was Losing Parental Rights
News in Michigan, like news just about anywhere else in the United States, has been very centered on our turbulent political situation. However, while the President and protesters have dominated our media, a lot of other events have been taking place here in the Mitten state that are equally relevant. In particular, the attempted parental…
CPS Petitions in Michigan: What You Need To Know 1
Having just wrapped up a lengthy series on the Michigan Central Registry, which is a subject of ongoing debate with people who believe very strongly on both sides of the fence, the next logical stop would be CPS petitions. So moving forward we will be looking at what the court process entails for families involved in CPS…
Michigan’s Central Registry: What You Need To Know 4
Thanks for joining us again as we unpack the controversial topic of the Michigan Central Registry. If you have just stumbled on this series, you may find it more informative to go back and read the few articles before this. If you’ve been with us from the start, you’ll know that we’ve discussed what the…
Michigan’s Central Registry: What You Need To Know 3
Thanks for joining us again to discuss the Michigan Central Registry, also known as the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. Having already talked about what the registry is and what information it contains, in this third installment we are going to be looking at how to go about getting your name removed from the…
CPS Finds And Takes “Endangered” Tennessee Baby
Child Protective Services recently removed an 8-month-old baby from his parent’s custody, after the couple was arrested. A statewide endangered child alert was issued for little Xavier Billings, describing him as a 17 Lb baby with blue eyes and blond hair who was in danger while in the custody of his parents. Xavier’s parents, 29-year-old…
Is ‘Courtnapping’ Children Financially Incentivised in Michigan?
We have known for years that the Child Welfare System here in the US, and particularly in Michigan, needs a major overhaul. Children are removed from their homes without just cause, and parents are accused of abuse based on allegations made by the state. Sadly, this is nothing new. But according to a recent article…
CPS Investigates Family of 8-Year-Old Who Stabbed Another Child in Kent County
Police and Child Protective Services are currently investigating the family of an 8-year-old boy from Kent County who is accused of stabbing another, 12-year-old child. According to police records, the incident took place in Grand Rapids, at about 8 pm on November 9th. It is reminiscent of the Jamarion Lawhorn case, where an abused and…
Children Taken From Parents, Found Mysteriously Dead
A Michigan couple have been found dead in their home, where police say that Child Protective Services recently removed two children. The situation itself is a mystery, and is still under investigation by police. Not many details have been released about the circumstances surrounding the couple’s death, nor with regard to the children taken by…
Michigan to Start Compensating Those Wrongfully Convicted of Abuse?
Imagine this. Your three year old daughter, whom you love with all your heart, trips and falls down the basement stairs. She bumps her head at the bottom, and being a concerned parent, you take her to the emergency room and you’re told she’s fine. For a few days, everything is normal, and suddenly she…
Foster Care: What Are The Long Term Effects?
When kids are taken from their homes by CPS workers, they are viewed as having been ‘rescued’ and will now be placed with a ‘loving family’ that will care for them. Sometimes it really does happen this way. But few people stop to think what really happens to those kids. They are all presumed to…