Tag: Michigan CPS Defense
Does CPS Have More Authority Than The Cops? Some Say Yes!
When the police show up at your door for whatever reason – whether it’s to interview you, arrest you, or simply break some bad news to you, they have rules and regulations they have to follow. Every police officer’s actions are managed by a code of conduct, and by the law. There are things they’re…
CPS Can’t Take Your Kids Just Because You’re Behind Bars in Michigan!
The Kronzek Firm PLC is up and running during this health emergency. Our attorneys are doing virtual consultations and accepting new clients while we continue providing service to our existing clients. You can reach our main office in Lansing by calling (517) 886-1000. Under Michigan law, a parent doesn’t lose the right to be a…
Mom’s False Positive Drug Screen Can Result in Newborns Being Taken by CPS! (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion about how false positive drug screenings of new moms can result in their babies being taken by CPS. As we mentioned in the previous article, this is a major problem in Alabama, which just happens to be the state that leads the U.S. in…
Child Welfare in Michigan is STILL Under The Watchful Eye of The Court!
CPS in Michigan has a long history of screwing up, not meeting goals, and falling short of the mark. Over the years there seems to have been an endless string of scandals, law suits, audits revealing gross oversights, and agency-wide failures to follow their own policies. It’s a mess. And it’s been going on for…
Can a Doctor Force me to Take a Polygraph if They Think I Hurt my Child?
You’ve seen lie detector tests in the movie at some point, right? Some serious-looking man in a suit asks a whole lot of strange questions – many of them obvious – to some poor nervous wreck in a chair. Nearby, the machine they’re hooked up to quietly spits out a ream of paper covered in…
Mandated Reporting: The Rising Cost of “Forced” Reports
Mandated reporting has been something of a controversial subject in Michigan, and as the list of mandated reporters seems to get longer every year, the question comes up again and again: should people be forced to report their suspicions, even when they don’t have any evidence to back it up? The law requires that a…
Why Are we Still Kicking a Dead Horse When it Comes to CPS in Michigan? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us. If you remember from our previous article on this subject, we talked about how widely acknowledged it is that CPS screws up so often, and so badly, and yet very little is done to address the problems. Previously we shared details with you from a report written by…
Why Are we Still Kicking a Dead Horse When it Comes to CPS in Michigan? (Pt 1)
Say the word “CPS” and you’ll likely get some very passionate responses from people. Some of them good, and some of them terribly bad. But why? Why does this one little branch of local Michigan government cause so much rage, and elicit such strong reactions from people. Well, it could be because they have a…
Did You Know: You DO Have a Right to Your CPS File!
CPS workers are notorious for NOT giving people the full picture. When they show up at your home with a cop in tow, claiming you have to hand over your children, what they’re not telling you is that the cop is there to protect THEM in case you get angry and violent. But they’d much…
Rare Medical Condition, or Child Abuse? How Can You Tell? (Pt 2)
Hi there, welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been discussing the issue of rare medical conditions in children, and how they can sometimes lead to child abuse allegations when the symptoms aren’t correctly diagnosed. In our previous blog article we discussed what this looks like when CPS decides you’re a child abuser and…