The duties of the board of regents at a University includes overseeing the financial management of the university, its investments, and its property holdings, as well as appointing the president of the university. So when the University of Michigan’s Board of Regents meets to make decisions for the University’s future, one hopes they take into account the people who will be affected by it. At least, that’s what Allie Parker was hoping when she appeared before the Board at their most recent meeting.
U of M’s C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital owes many families an apology
Allie and Jimmy Parker lost both of their children because of false allegations made by Bethany Mohr, the notorious Medical Director of the Michigan Medicine Child Protection Team at C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital. According to the Parker’s attorney, Mohr made more than 20 reports accusing the Parkers of abusing their children, particularly their 6 week old baby, Dylan. The family was forced to engage in a long and protracted battle with the state, which ruined them financially and left them devastated. CPS removed both their kids, and it was 8 months of painful separation, before the case was finally dismissed by a Judge who noted at the end of the trial that Dr. Mohr’s science left a lot to be desired.
Parker explained to the Regents that her family suffered because of Mohr
According to Parker, her family endured psychological, emotional and physical trauma as a result of Mohr inaccurately labeling one of the Parker children’s injuries as abuse. But as Parker pointed out when addressing the Board of Regents, that wasn’t the worst of it. It had happened before that to other families, and again afterwards, but Mohr doesn’t appear to be held accountable for the damage she’s done. She wasn’t required to apologize, she didn’t have to compensate the family in any way, and she didn’t lose her job or even get investigated.
There is very little accountability when it comes to U of M’s doctors!
As Parker points out on her Facebook page, “Bethany Mohr,… is becoming so well know for false accusation of child abuse, law firms have begun using her name to gain new clients.” She notes that there is something wrong with the idea that a child abuse pediatrician at a leading children’s hospital can be “so consistently negligent”, that her false accusations have become “an epidemic”. And we couldn’t agree more. We’ve gone head-to-head with Dr. Mohr on many occasions in the past. She has a well earned reputation for reporting innocent parents to CPS for no reason, and misdiagnosing day-to-day injuries as child abuse.
Fighting CPS can be very hard, but you don’t have to do it alone!
Being accused of child abuse by the medical staff who were supposed to be helping you, has got to be one of the worst experiences a parent could endure! And being reported to CPS for a crime you never commited is horrendous! But here at The Kronzek Firm, our experienced CPS defense team have taken on Dr. Mohr’s team many times before and had successful outcomes. Call us today at 866 766 5245, and protect your family from lying doctors and unnecessary CPS invasions. We’re here to help.