Category: For Your Information

  • “Freezer Mom” Back in Court, Accusing Another of Pedophilia!

    Remember ‘freezer mom’? The Detroit woman who starved and abused her children to death, and then hid their bodies in a chest freezer by the front door of her apartment until they were discovered during her eviction? Well, it appears her antics haven’t ended yet. She was recently back in court for a misconduct issue…

  • Should You Use a Court Appointed Attorney in a CPS Case? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back. We’re glad you joined us again for this discussion on why a court appointed attorney isn’t the right choice when fighting CPS. As we mentioned in the previous post, when you’re right to parent your kids is being called into question, you need to go in guns blazing. (And they need to be…

  • What You Need to Know About Suing CPS in Michigan’s Federal Court

    The thought of suing CPS can be a very daunting process. After all, they have access to enormous resources, and have “the law on their side” – or so they’d like you to think. But when CPS has violated your constitutional rights, sometimes you have no other option but to fight fire with fire. And…

  • Legalizing Pot Doesn’t Mean You Can Give it to Your Kids!

    With the legalization of medical marijuana a few years ago in Michigan, and then the decriminalization of having small amounts of pot for personal use in numerous cities around the state, the use of marijuana has quickly become considerably more normalized. Add to that the fact that the November ballot will now include the option…

  • Should You Get Legal Advice Online About Child Abuse and CPS?

    The internet is like a shopping mall. Sure’s, there’s some great stuff available. But there’s also a ton of garbage you have to dig through in order to find what you want. (Bacon bandages, anyone? Perhaps a nice AB-hancer, or the ever-useful cat shaming calendar?) And even then… is it really what you wanted? Are…

  • The Kronzek Firm has won an AIOCLA Award for being a Top 10 Criminal Law Firm

    PRESS RELEASE The Kronzek Firm Has Been Nominated and Accepted as a Two Years AIOCLA’S 10 Best Law Firm in Michigan For Client Satisfaction The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of Michigan’s Criminal Law Firm, The Kronzek Firm as Two Years 10 Best Criminal Law Firm for Client Satisfaction.…

  • $410,000 Raised to Help Fight Child Abuse in Michigan

    Sometimes preventing child abuse means getting involved in a difficult situation with a student at school. Or with your neighbors. Sometimes it means making a report to police, which can be difficult because you run the risk of having misunderstood what really happened. So now you’ve put a potentially innocent family right under the laser…

  • CPS and Animal Control to Work Hand-in-Hand?

    When the average person thinks about CPS, they don’t usually also think about dogs and cats and possibly gerbils. Nor does the average person associate Animal Control with children (unless they are a parent making jokes after a very difficult day!) Either way, these are not two agencies that are commonly linked in their work…

  • Maternal Death Reporting Is Now Mandatory in Michigan?

    For so long we have been focused on saving the lives of babies, that it seems we’ve allowed their most important life source to slip out of our fingers – their mothers. Maternal death rates are rising in Michigan, which is both sad and surprising, given that they are decreasing on a global scale. So…

  • Hope Not Handcuffs: Help for Addicted Parents Before CPS Gets Involved

    In late January of this year, a new program was launched in Macomb County that hopes to make a difference to those who are struggling with opiate addiction. Hope not Handcuffs allows a person battling addiction to walk into a police station and ask for help without fear of reprisal. In other words, you can…