If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times – taking kids away from their families only to abandon them in youth homes is a terrible idea! And this report by a federally mandated watchdog group, the National Disability Rights Network, only serves to prove our point: Families should be supported in place, NOT torn apart by CPS!

The report, entitled ‘Desperation Without Dignity‘ reveals some pretty horrifying facts about teen abuse in for-profit youth residential programs around the country. Released on October 14th, the report details abuses suffered by teens living in “behavior modification” programs in no less than 18 states around the nation.
What exactly was happening to these teens in foster care?
According to the report, teens were routinely being subjected to unnecessary use of psychotropic medications, and a heartbreaking variety of physical, emotional and sexual abuses. In addition, the programs were not providing the specific mental health supports that they had advertised as part of their services, and which they were billing for.
Curtis Decker, executive director of the NDRN, says that the abuse isn’t just a few isolated incidents. Instead, it’s a problem that’s both systemic and serious, and it’s happening in many, many states across the country.
In an interview with The Imprint, a news outlet focusing on child welfare and juvenile justice systems, Decker pointed out that “It’s just an oxymoron that people can make a profit — a large profit — by claiming to provide good quality care to children with serious behavior and mental health issues. Of course, the answer is pretty simple: They don’t. They don’t provide quality care.”
What can be done to solve this problem and protect youth in foster care?
There isn’t a single answer to this question. No “one magic solution” will solve this problem. Many changes at many different levels – like increased oversight and accountability – will make a big difference. But a good starting point would be simply to reduce the number of youths in these types of programs to begin with.
And how do we do that? Easy – we focus on helping struggling families in place, rather than tearing them apart as a way to solve their issues. Providing community supports, access to needed resources, and education, can all make a huge difference in how parents deal with difficult teenagers. And can help teenagers manage challenges and make better life choices.
The Kronzek Firm fights to keep families together
Here at The Kronzek Firm, our skilled CPS defense attorneys have decades of experience dealing with CPS. We know exactly how the agency can undermine struggling parents, and cast their challenges in the worst light possible when presenting evidence to the court. We also know how hard it is to fight the system, when it seems the deck is stacked against you.
That’s why we dedicate a considerable amount of our time as a firm to helping families protect themselves from government overreach. If you or a loved one have been contacted by CPS, or the state is threatening to take your children away from you, call us immediately at 866 766 5245. We are available 24/7 to help you fight against injustice, and keep your family intact.