Welcome back, and thanks for joining us as we discuss the subject of whether foster care is as helpful as we hoped, or if children do better when kept with their families. As we pointed out in the previous article, there are certainly situations when children need to be removed from their parent’s care for their own safety. But CPS takes many more children than those whose lives are threatened. And that’s what we’re here to discuss.
As we mentioned previously, a study funded by The National Science Foundation proved that in overwhelming numbers, children did better in life when left with their parents. Not every case, certainly, but definitely in most!
Keeping families together, when possible, is far better for children!
So what does this prove about our nation’s child welfare system, and in particular, Michigan’s foster care system? Well, it says what we have been saying for years – families should not be torn apart simply because the government doesn’t like the way some parents raise their kids.
Yes, there are certainly situations where a child is safer removed from their home. But on the whole, even imperfect homes (which is pretty much every homes) and imperfect parents (we’re human too!) are so much better for a child, than a family torn apart and scattered to the wind.
It is important to note that in this study, the term “foster care” does not refer exclusively to children raised in foster homes, but rather children who are raised in any kind of non-parental care. That could mean an orphanage, a foster home, a group home or even kinship care.
We are dedicated to keeping the families of Michigan together whenever possible!
As defense attorneys we’ve helped countless families fight Michigan CPS, and a broken system that sees almost every parent as a risk to their own children. Through hard work and dedication, we’ve kept families together, kept parents out of jail, and kept children in their parent’s homes. All in all, this is something we’ve had a lot of practice with, and we’re very good at it!
So if you or a loved one have been accused of child abuse or neglect in Michigan, let’s fight to keep your family together! Our skilled abuse and neglect defense attorneys have decades of experience defending parents all over Michigan. Call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. We are here to help.