Michigan’s broken child welfare system has long been a topic of hot debate. What’s wrong with it, who is to blame, and how to fix it are regular subjects of media scrutiny. But it seems the state itself has decided to take on this mammoth issue, and see if they can figure out some of the issues plaguing our crippled child welfare system, and maybe come up with a few workable solutions to address them. How exactly are they hoping to do this? With the new House Representatives Adoption and Foster Care Task Force.

What’s the purpose of the Task Force?
The bipartisan Foster & Adoption Task Force will be conducting comprehensive research into problems in Michigan’s child welfare system, and then give specific recommendations for legislative, administrative and judicial reforms to address those issues. They plan to start by researching the current systems, and then analysing where the failings are taking place. The ultimate goals of the Task Force are threefold:
- Reduce the number of children in state custody
- Reduce the number of children who become victims of abuse and neglect in Michigan
- Increase the number of children in foster care who are ultimately reunited with their families
What does the task force have to say about child welfare?
During a press conference where the members of the Task force were introduced, House Representative Mary Whiteford, who chairs the Task Force, spoke about what they hope to achieve. “Michigan’s child welfare system isn’t working for far too many children and families. We as legislators do not have all the answers, but working together with all of our various backgrounds and professions and experiences, I think that we can make some truly bold reforms to keep the children of Michigan safer.”
What is the Task Force’s plan moving forward?
Members of the Adoption & Foster Care Task Force will be doing a number of things to bring themselves up to speed, and start crafting recommendations for changes, including:
- Conducting informal hearings with experts, families, and children from all over Michigan to get a better understanding of what kids and their families need, and what their experiences have been like so far. This will help them understand what’s going on within the child welfare system right now.
- Reviewing information, laws, and the administrative practices of different states around the US with the best performance practices to get ideas for what is working well in other places.
- Investigating current studies and nation-wide data on successful child abuse and neglect prevention techniques, foster placement stability, streamlining adoption processes, supporting kinship care to keep kids with relatives, and increasing public awareness.
CPS has a long way to go before they get it right!
Here at The Kronzek Firm, our skilled CPS defense attorneys have spent decades fighting for parent’s rights in mid-Michigan. We understand the challenges that families face when the state gets involved in your child-raising, and we know how frightening the battle can be. CPS has a lot of power, and not nearly enough accountability, which is just one of the many flaws in Michigan’s child welfare system. So if you’ve been accused of abusing or neglecting a child, call us immediately at 866 766 5245 to set up your free phone of zoom consultation. We’re available 24/7, including nights and weekends, to help you protect your family.