Right now in Michigan, the only people who are allowed to see the results of an investigation into the death of a child conducted by the Ombudsman are those who can file complaints with the agency. In other words, the parents and guardians of the deceased children, their attorneys, and other mandated reporters or legislators. But not the general public. However, that may change in the future.
The Ombudsman herself says people should see the facts!
In her most recent annual report, Lisa McCormick, who was appointed the Children’s Ombudsman in January of 2019 by Governor Whitmer, said that the public should have access to the findings of investigations completed by the Office of Children’s Ombudsman. And as it turns out, the House Oversight Committee agrees with her.
The legislative oversight panel has stated that they believe the public has a right to see the results of state investigations into the deaths of any children involved with Michigan’s child welfare system. That means any kids placed in foster care by CPS workers, or left with abusive parents, who died at the hands of their caregivers (whether it was their own parents who had a history of abuse, or their foster parents)
The role of the Child Ombudsman’s Office is greater accountability
The Office of Child Ombudsman was created in 1994 to help bring greater accountability to Michigan’s child welfare system. According to their website, their role is to independently investigate “complaints concerning children who for reasons of abuse or neglect are under the supervision of the Department of Health and Human Services or its private contracted agencies.”
The Office also makes recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Department of Health and Human Services regarding changes in child welfare laws, rules, and policies that would ultimately improve outcomes for Michigan’s children.
How would it help for the public to know these details?
CPS has a pretty rough reputation. They aren’t a well loved agency, and who can blame the public for feeling that way. CPS only shows up when things have gone horribly wrong in your family, or someone has lied about you. So they’re very rarely welcome. But when you add to that the fact that they screw up a lot and aren’t held accountable very often, it gets tricky.
Here at The Kronzek Firm, our skilled and experienced CPS defense attorneys know what you’re up against when CPS gets involved in your family’s life. We understand their bullying tactics and can help you protect your parenting rights, and preserve your family. So call 866 766 5245 right now and make sure you get the right help when battling this difficult and badly regulated Michigan agency.