For some folks, the Christmas season means decorating the tree, getting together with family, and exchanging gifts with loved ones. Or at least, that’s what they hope it means. But reality is often nothing like our expectations. So for some people, this holiday season will mean unplanned interactions with CPS workers. And for an unlucky few, perhaps even a pair of shiny new bracelets from their friendly neighborhood law enforcement officer.
Wait,… what? Why would CPS show up on your doorstep at Christmas time? Sounds crazy, right? And yet it happens….
Peace on earth, and goodwill to all men…
Getting together with extended family can be wonderful, if you have a family whose company you enjoy. But if your relatives can’t seem to get together without arguing about everything, and having fist fights over “what she said about our son”, chances are the cops are going to end up at your party as well. And once the cops are in your house, it’s a different ball game entirely!
Did a fight break out in your house, perhaps egged on by past resentments and fueled by alcohol? Did someone make violent threats, wave a gun around, or chase someone else with a broken beer bottle? Assault and Domestic Violence charges can mean your children were potentially at risk. Which means the cops are likely to call CPS. If the CPS worker who arrives decides that your children may be at risk of harm, they may just remove them from your custody right then and there. Merry Christmas to you.
‘Tis a holly, jolly Christmas…
Holiday get-togethers tend to mean more festivities, which often means lots of food…and alcohol. The result? Many people driving home afterwards under the influence of certain Christmas spirits. So if you choose to have a few drinks at your family get-together, be sure to designate a driver or extend your stay until you sober up.
If you get pulled over on your way home and arrested, these is a good chance CPS will end up in the mix somewhere. Whether it’s because you’re facing Child Endangerment charges, or because CPS had to find someone to keep your kids after you got arrested, either way, once they’re involved, you’ll have a heck of a time getting them untangled from your life.
Our CPS defense attorneys are ALWAYS available…
At The Kronzek Firm, we understand that life’s little bumps don’t happen during 9 to 5 office hours, or at times convenient to you. Dramas unfold at midnight, or on July 4th, or on Christmas day. LIfe is unpredictable, and you need an attorney who can step in and help you WHEN you need it.
Our skilled family law attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Midnight? No problem. Weekends? We’re here. Christmas day? Call us at 866 766 5245. We’re available to help you sort out this difficult situation, and work towards a resolution that works for your family.