What is ‘Brittle Bone Disease’ And Why Does it Matter to CPS? (Pt 1)

Medical technician reviewing xray
Your bones tell a story. But if you suffer from certain conditions, that story may be harder to understand.

You might never have even heard of it before. Many people haven’t. But ‘Brittle Bone Disease‘, which is also known as ‘Fragile Bone Syndrome’ is a very serious condition that has made life incredibly hard for many families over the years. How, you wonder? By having innocent children with undiagnosed medical conditions torn from their parents and placed into foster homes unnecessarily, and landing innocent parents behind bars, accused of crimes they didn’t commit!

Have we got your attention now?

Good! Because this is important, folks! Brittle bone disease is a very serious issue, and many families have been dismantled because of incorrect diagnosis and medical mismanagement here in Michigan. So the more you know, the better prepared you can be, if this ever happens to you or to someone you love. Let’s take a look…

What exactly is ‘brittle bone disease’?

According to WebMD, “Brittle bone disease is a lifelong genetic disorder that causes your bones to break very easily, usually without any type of injury.” In other words, it’s a disorder that causes a person’s bones to be incredibly fragile. Which means that it doesn’t take much to cause a fracture or a break. Where a person with normal, healthy bones would need to have a serious fall to break a bone, a person with brittle bone disease could get a break or a fracture from something as small as bumping their arm or leg against something, or having any pressure exerted against their body.

Why would this make any difference to CPS?

Imagine a baby. Now try to picture how often a baby has to be handled and touched on the average day. A lot, right? Of course, because babies need help with everything, and most babies want to be in regular (if not constant) contact with their caregivers. Which means they’re being picked up and dressed and undressed and cleaned and fed and diapered and… you get the picture. But here’s what’s so important about that – every time that baby is touched, they’re at risk for a broken or fractured bone. And many of the basic, everyday activities that a parent or caregiver does with a baby could (and often do) result in broken bones for babies who suffer from brittle bone disease!

When a doctor sees a baby with a broken bone…

Think about it. When you take your baby to the hospital because they’re crying all the time and they seem to be in pain, but you can’t find anything wrong and you don’t know what to do, what do you think is going to happen? The moment that doctor sees those broken bones on your baby, they’re going to assume that you are an abusive parent, and they’re going to call CPS!

What should you do when you’re falsely accused of child abuse?

There are loads of reason why someone might be falsely accused of hurting a child. Brittle bone disease is only one of them. Join us next time for a look at the many illnesses and conditions that may have caused these injuries, and a break down of what happens next! Until then, if you or a loved one have been accused of hurting your baby, or a doctor has found unexplained injuries to your child’s bones, call The Kronzek Firm immediately at 866 766 5245. Our skilled CPS defense attorneys have handled many of these situations before, and can help you defend your family and protect your rights!


