3-Year-Old Shoots Himself With Dad’s Gun

A recent gun-related accident involving a 3-year-old boy and his father’s loaded pistol has resulted in a hospitalized child, a CPS investigation, and a father who may face criminal charges in the near future.


The incident took place in Gladwin County, Michigan in a Grout Township home. According to reports from the Gladwin County Sheriff’s Department, the boy found an unsecured 9mm pistol in a drawer while he was watching TV. He pulled it out and played with it, before accidentally pulling the trigger and shooting himself in the arm.


The boy’s father, a 23-year-old Gladwin resident, immediately rushed him to the hospital where the incident was reported both to the police and to CPS (Children’s Protective Services). Although we are glad to be able to report that the little boy is stable and healing well, the police are seeking gun negligence charges against the father.


Under Michigan law, careless, reckless or negligent use of firearms is punishable by up to 2 years in prison or 1 year in jail, and/or fines of up to $2,000. Like every criminal case in Michigan, which sentence is applied is determined by the judge in the case.


Gladwin County Sheriff Mike Shea, in addressing the issue of gun ownership, said that many people in Gladwin exercise their right to bear arms on a regular basis, and he supports that. “I acknowledge and support responsible gun ownership, but when there are kids, particularly little kids, in the house, you have to take steps to ensure their safety when there are guns in the home. Kids are inquisitive. We all know that. You have to go the extra mile to protect them.”


While this is true, we also understand that accidents happen and sometimes careful, well-meaning parents make mistakes. If you have been accused of negligence by the police or are being investigated by CPS for alleged neglect or abuse of a child, contact us immediately. We have decades of experience in defending against gun charges, abuse and neglect charges, and of protecting parents. We can help you.



