Welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been discussing the difficult subject of CPS interventions, but with the added spin of how they affect immigrant and refugee communities. As we mentioned in the previous article, many of these people arrive here from other cultural backgrounds having suffered incredible tragedies and losses. They have very little understanding of the language, and have no support network of friends and family in place to help with children.
As a result, they have to juggle the difficulties of work and cultural learning and parenting and trauma without any help. It can be exhausting. And then CPS shows up on their doorstep, trying to take their kids away for reasons they don’t really understand. Can you imagine having already lost loved ones to the ravages of war, and then having a stranger arrive at your house, endorsed by the government, to steal your children? It has to be horrifying!
Removing already traumatized children from their families is devastating!
For many people living in Michigan who come from other countries, especially refugees, they’ve already suffered a great deal. We can’t imagine what it would be like to live through a horrific cultural genocide like the Rohinga people of Burma, or a brutal and seemingly endless civil war, like the people of Sudan. These people have seen things we can’t imagine in our worst nightmares, and their children have experienced trauma that has left them forever scarred.
For many of them, they have lost so much in life, and all they have is each other. So someone showing up at their home, trying to take their kids from them is unimaginable. And for those children, who have already lost loved ones – lost their homes and culture and language and everything else that ever made them feel safe – they are suddenly torn from their parents and given into the care of strangers. It must be devastating for them, and can only make their trauma worse!
Kids who live through war and genocide need extra care.
Children who come to the US as immigrants, even under the best of circumstances, have made a move to a foreign country where nothing is familiar and they have to start life over again. But for children who come as refugees, they have known and experienced great tragedy. Many were experienced first hand what it means to lose loved ones to disease, bombs, and violent assault. Many have survived unbelievable odds, including guerilla raids, landmines, and human trafficking.
Taking them from the only caregivers they’ve known and placing them with total strangers, far from anything safe or familiar, will only compound their trauma. For children without a history of trauma it’s a terrible experience. For children with PTSD, who’re already traumatized, it can be emotionally and psychologically damaging in ways that last a lifetime.
And that’s why we do what we do…
Here at The Kronzek Firm, we understand how difficult this is for parents, regardless of where in the world they come from. Whether they lived through tragedy in a faraway country, or are fighting for their children right here in Michigan, we understand what they’re up against. And we can help.
Our skilled CPS defense attorneys are available 24/7 to help parents in Michigan fight to protect their families and their parental rights. Regardless of your history, or where you come from, we’re ready and willing to help. So call 866 766 5245 today and get help from the seasoned professionals who understand what you’re up against. We can make a difference.