If you were to ask Forrest Gump, he’d probably tell you the internet is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes you get lucky and find the caramel ones. And sometimes you strike out and get the nougat one instead. (Eugh!) But how do you tell the difference before taking that first bite? How do make sure that your sweet treats are all caramel and cherry liquor, and no nougat whatsoever? (Seriously!) Well, the trick is to be informed, and pay attention.
Online searches can be like digging through a mountain of garbage!
So what exactly are we talking about here? Online searches, of course! And more specifically, searching for legal advice to do with CPS. Because searching online for legal advice when you’re in trouble with CPS really IS like digging through a mountain of garbage and hoping to come up with a valuable treasure – you might find one, but chances are you’ll have to wade through a ton of totally useless (and probably awful) things first!
The worst culprits? Free Q & A websites where people submit questions and then read the different responses submitted by attorneys. It may sound like a good idea because it’s free advice (and who doesn’t love free stuff!) But it’s a terrible way to make guided legal decisions! Why? Well, if you’ve ever been to one of those websites, and read through the questions and responses, then you know exactly what we’re talking about.
Should you search online for CPS related info?
If you’re just looking for others who’ve fought the same battle as you, then wade right in. You could read all day and still not make any headway on the forums and sites where people share their terrible CPS experiences. But were you looking for actual legal advice? Help with how to handle a specific situation, or what to do in response to certain accusations? Well, then the last thing you want to do is go online to find your answers!
The law is different in every state, and every state has their own equivalent to our Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Which means that every state has different policies for dealing with alleged child abuse and neglect situations. However online searches don’t take state borders into account, so looking for answers to your CPS dilemma will get you a lot of answers – but there’s no way to guarantee that any of them will be relevant to Michigan!
So what can you do when you need help with a CPS problem?
Now don’t misunderstand… we’re not suggesting that you give up online research when you have a problem (you’re reading this, after all!) What we are suggesting is just that you be aware of the limits of free online advice. Because it is limited – very limited. Asking someone online to help you with a court petition or a possible termination of parental rights situation, will only net you good results if the person you’re talking to is a skilled Michigan CPS defense attorney.
Lucky for you, The Kronzek Firm is one of Michigan’s premier Child Protective Services defense firms. Our experienced CPS defense attorneys are available 24/7, including weekends and holidays, to help you protect your family and your parenting rights. So if you or a loved one have been accused of a crime involving a child, or suspect that CPS may come knocking, call us immediately at 866 766 5245. We’re here to help you work through this, and achieve the best possible results for your case!