Novi Family Reunited After CPS Drops Investigation

If you were to ask the Geers what hell on earth looked like, they would describe for you their own lives. But all of that has changed, now that CPS had finally dropped the child abuse investigation that tore their family apart and resulted in their five children being removed from their home.


The three month long nightmare started when the Geers took one of their newborn twins to an out-of-state physician for treatment of a severe medical problem. But x-rays showed evidence of an old break in one of his bones. Concerned, the family brought the other baby in for x-rays, and had their worst nightmares confirmed.


Five broken bones in the second baby’s body had doctor’s speculating about abuse. CPS was contacted and an investigation was started. The Geers were accused of abusing their children, and all five of their children were removed by the state. Placed with relatives pending the outcome of the investigation.


But now, three months later, the worst in over. CPS has finally agreed with the hundreds of friends, and family and congregation members who crowded the courtroom every time the Geers stood before the Judge. The investigation has been dropped. The family is reunited.


According to Lisa Kirsch, the Geers’ attorney, all of this was the result of one critical thing that CPS missed. The Geer’s infant twins have brittle bone disease and a Vitamin D deficiency, which was the cause of the broken bones. Abuse never even entered the picture.


Brittle bone disease in children, also known as Osteogenesis imperfecta, is a congenital bone disorder that is commonly characterized by very brittle bones that are prone to fracturing and breaking. It has been the cause of several child abuse investigations in the past.


At The Kronzek Firm, we specialize in the defense of parents who are wrongly accused of child abuse. We are well acquainted with CPS’s bullying tactics and tendency to accuse without investigating the whole situation.


If you or a loved one are suffering what the Geers went through, call us immediately. You need professional and experienced attorneys on your side, and this is what we do best. Don’t risk your family to an inexperienced defense, and don’t hope that the state will finally “figure out the truth”. Get the right help. Your family deserves the best defense.



