Understanding the Role of the Office of the Child Advocate in Michigan

Navigating the complexities of Michigan’s child welfare system can be daunting for families. The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) plays a crucial role in ensuring children’s rights and well-being are upheld. This independent state agency is tasked to investigate complaints and make recommendations to improve Michigan’s child welfare (CPS) system.

Investigating Complaints

A complaint with the OCA can trigger an investigation into various child welfare programs, including Children’s Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care, Adoption Services, and Juvenile Justice. The process begins with a preliminary investigation to determine if a full investigation is warranted. If so, Michigan OCA conducts an independent and thorough investigation to address the concerns raised.

Child Death Investigations

The OCA also has a critical role in investigating child death cases. If a child dies while there is an active CPS investigation, an open services case, a rejected CPS complaint, or an open or closed foster care case within the previous two years, the OCA steps in to review the circumstances. Additionally, the OCA must review the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) activities when a child dies in foster care unless the death resulted from natural causes and there were no prior CPS or licensing complaints concerning the foster home.

Making Recommendations

Upon completing an investigation, the Child Advocate may present recommendations to our Governor, Legislature, and MDHHS Director. These recommendations aim to address systemic issues and improve Michigan’s overall child welfare system, ensuring that it is more effective in protecting and supporting our kids.

Providing Information and Support

Beyond investigations, the OCA is a valuable resource for families involved in Michigan’s child welfare (CPS) system. The OCA intake staff can provide insights into the system’s processes and connect families with the appropriate resources. This support helps families navigate the often complex and overwhelming child welfare landscape. More importantly, the CPS defense team at The Kronzek Firm is your fiercest advocate in the frightening battle that CPS often initiates. 

Empowering Families

The OCA’s mission is to empower families by providing them with the knowledge and support they need to advocate for their children’s rights. By addressing complaints, investigating child deaths, and making informed recommendations, the OCA strives to create a safer and more supportive environment for all children in Michigan. As our CPS defense attorneys say, sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn’t. For more than 30 years, we’ve been fighting to protect parents in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. 

Families can contact the OCA directly for more information or to file a complaint. If you are contacted by Children’s Protective Services defense in Michigan, contact our main office at 800-576-6035 before you speak to them.